Mountain Rose Women's Shelter Association (MRWSA) operates a women's emergency
shelter located in the town of Rocky Mountain House in west-central Alberta. The shelter has a long history of engaging the Rocky Mountain House and Clearwater County region with annual community galas, awareness events as well as nurturing long-term connections with community members.
MRWSA's staff participates in Alberta Council of Women's Shelters's (ACWS) Play to Win training open to members and community agencies in the Spring of 2014 and later volunteered to be the rural pilot site for ACWS' Working Together project. ACWS supported MRWSA's staff in 2014-15 in delivering the evolving Leading Change gender violence prevention content for students and staff at St. Matthew's Catholic School as as as presentations in the larger community. MRWSA's work in this school culminated in a number of presentations with Leading Change facilitators from the Calgary Stampeders. A video that includes content about our collaboration together during this period can be found here: https://youtu.be/UcIhArssJ9g
In 2016, select Mountain Rose staff also added ACWS' Domestic Violence and Your Workplace facilitator training to their prevention offering and thus are equipped to guide conversations with businesses and organizations on the ACWS approach in keeping employees safe. MRWSA is a leader in making their community safer for both the short and long term. ACWS is proud to support their inspiring work.
Supporting Agency: Alberta Council of Women's Shelters
Key Delivery Group: Mountain Rose Women's Shelter Association
Community Mentors: Staff at Mountain Rose Women's Shelter trained to facilitate "Leading Change" & "Domestic Violence and Your Workplace"
Selected Participants: Participants vary, but current focus for "Leading Change" is on Junior High school aged youth. Focus for "Domestic Violence and Your Workplace" presentations are local businesses.
Influencers: Teachers, Principals, Coaches and School Counsellors at partnering schools.